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How to create landscapes from scratch

How to create landscapes from scratch

Do you want to improve your landscaping results and impress your customers (and your boss)? We have put together five tips that will not only save you time but will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes when planting. Risks you want to avoid are replacing plants (which causes you time and money loss), yellow leaves, and dead plants. Find out how to create beautiful landscapes from scratch.

5 simple tips for your next landscaping project

Get to know soil basics before planting.

Make sure you understand the soil basics when planting.
Nathan, our horticulturalist and educator at StrataGreen, knows pretty much everything about soils & planting. He has helped many contractors in successfully bringing their projects to life. With over 25 years of experience, he knows the biggest mistakes when it comes to planting. So don’t miss out on his tips below and find out how to create landscapes from scratch.

1. Understand Soil Basics

Understanding Soil is complex and a science in itself. It is the most critical thing in any project or situation regarding plants. Soil can be too dry; it can be too wet, have too many organic matters or excessive Phosphorus in native plants. We recommend reading the book “Soils for Landscape Development – Selection, Specification and Validation” by Simon Leake and Elke Hage. This book will give you samples of soils specifications for any situation. Or get in touch with us at StrataGreen.

2. Use Site Soil where you can

Avoid importing soil where possible. Why? Using the wrong earth can be damaging to plant health and survival. The issue with using imported soil is that the quality of the soil may be inferior, and the physical and chemical properties (pH, for example) may not be suitable for your planting project. Importing new soil can cause plant shock twice. Those are two avoidable shocks!

We’ll explain: The plant is transplanted out of the pot into the hole (Shock 1), then it recovers and grows through the imported soil and out in the natural ground causing Shock 2. By utilising site soil (where you can), not only are you saving money by not having to buy in soil, you will reduce your Carbon footprint by not having big trucks transport soil from a quarry miles away, then from the yard where you purchased it. Top Tip: Add TerraCottem Soil Conditioner to site soil to make it better than any imported soil on the market. Continue to read to find out how to create landscapes from scratch.

3. Dig bigger holes

Size does matter when it comes to digging holes when planting. The rule of thumb is to make the planting hole double to size of the root ball. This rule applies to all plant stock up to a 25ltr rootball and then switch to more comprehensive, more extended, but same depth. Avoid making the hole deeper with more extensive tree stock, as you can cause slumping and sheering of roots. Adequate size is beneficial to plant establishment and vigour. Don’t cut corners and take the risk of trying to save time. Top Tip: Adding TerraCottem Soil Conditioner at the planting time may save you money as you can downsize your planting stock and achieve the same outcomes if you planted out and didn’t use TerraCottem.

4. Use good quality tools & materials

Avoid buying the cheapest or premium, for that matter, until you fully understand all aspects of the products. People who use the equipment daily can make a far better judgment on what works and lasts, so trust genuine referrals and recommendations. At StrataGreen, we advocate for proper equipment and recommend products that are best suited for each job. Avoid frustration and wasting your time by ensuring you get quality recommendations and professional advice.

5. Don't try to save on landscaping materials

Sound quality can seem more expensive at first glance; however, you can often save time and money down the track. An excellent example of this is our TerraCottem Soil conditioner (8-10 year life span). Many people say the pricing per bucket exceeds their expectations, but customers who use it realise that they save money down the track.

How? When planted with any soil, TerraCottem treated plants are known to last longer, they grow stronger and longer roots, store water better and are healthy for years to come. That cuts down maintenance costs. An average soil conditioner cannot keep that promise, and you will have more work down the track. TerraCottem Soil Conditioner often costs no more than up to 20% of the cost of the plant and will save you $$$ for years to come.

Avocado Tree planted with TerraCottem
Avocado Tree planted without TerraCottem

Did you find out how to create landscapes from scratch? Do you have any tips you want to share? Comment below!

We are here to help you manage and improve your landscaping projects. We also coach our customers on how to use the products. Want to know more? Please get in touch with Nathan Straume for additional questions.

Nathan Straume, Horticulturalist
Mobile: 0406 315 091

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