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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Bindii


    A small, short-lived (i.e. annual), herbaceous plant that develops a rosette of leaves at first, followed by a number of creeping (i.e. prostrate) stems up to 8 cm long. Shoots...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Buffalo Grass

    Buffalo Grass

    Botanical name: Stenotaphrum secundatum Common Names Buffalo Grass, Cape Quickgrass, Wiregrass, St. Augustinegrass, Quickgrass, Pimento Grass, Carpet Grass, Coarse Couchgrass, Coarse Quickgrass, Coastal Buffalo Grass, Mission Grass BUFFALO GRASS DESCRIPTION...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Caltrop


    Common Names Caltrap, Galtrop, Cheval Trap, Galthrap, Galtrap, Calthrop, Jackrock or Crow's foot CALTROP DESCRIPTION Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris) is a summer-growing weed found widely throughout Western Australia. It is most...

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  • Cats Ear

    Cats Ear

    Herbaceous perennial growing from hard, thickened, overwintering base (caudex); fibrous-rooted, but often with several enlarged roots, appearing tap-rooted. May be confused with common dandelion, Taraxacum officinale.

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  • Couch Grass

    Couch Grass

    Couch Grass was originally introduced as a horticultural lawn and pasture because it is drought tolerant. It is a native of Africa and southern Europe but has now become a...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Clover


    Clover is a perennial wildflower that is regarded as a weed when it appears in lawns and flower beds.

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Creeping Oxalis

    Creeping Oxalis

    An almost hairless plant with long-stalked, trifoliate leaves that often have dark spots. Oxalis is often mistaken for clover. 

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  • Crowsfoot Grass

    Crowsfoot Grass

    A tufted, short-lived, grass with spreading or semi-upright stems growing up to 60 cm tall. 

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Dandelion


    There are about 2500 species of Dandelion but species delimitations for Australia are unclear. The Flora of Victoria (1994) list two Australian native species (Native Dandelion – T. cygnorum from the far...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Doublegee


    Doublegee is a vigorous annual herb with a strong tap root and a long, fleshy, hairless stem. 

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Fleabane


    Flaxleaf and tall fleabane (Conyza spp.) are emerging weeds in Western Australia, germinating in spring and becoming major weeds in summer. Fleabane has been making its mark on Australian farming systems...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Flickweed


    Habit: Slender annual herb growing to 35cmHabitat: Widespread weed inhabiting most gardens and lawns.Leaves: Thin, sparsely hairy and form a rosette at the base.Flowers: White with petals around 3mm long.Fruit/seed:...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Guildford Grass

    Guildford Grass

    Romulea rosea is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Iridaceae. It is a small plant, usually less than 20 cm high, with grass-like leaves. The flowers, which appear in spring, are pink with...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Kikuyu Grass

    Kikuyu Grass

    Kikuyu is a prostrate perennial grass, which may form a loose sward up to ~50cm high when ungrazed, but becomes a dense turf when grazed. The grass spreads aggressively from...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Mullumbimby Couch

    Mullumbimby Couch

    A long-lived grass-like plant with long underground runners and upright flowering stems up to 40 cm tall. Its upright stems are three-angled in cross-section and only 0.5-1.5 mm thick.

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  • Nutgrass


    A long-lived grass-like plant usually growing 20-50 cm tall. It produces a network of creeping underground stems with small tubers (10-25 mm long). 

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Onion Weed

    Onion Weed

    Long cylindrical flower stalks grow from the centre of the plant. Flowers are bell-like, fragrant, in a small cluster at the tip of each stalk. Each flower has 7-pointed white to faint pink petals...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Parramatta Grass

    Parramatta Grass

    The hairless (i.e. glabrous) flowering stems (i.e. culms) are slender (1.5-3 mm thick), but somewhat wiry, and are usually not branched. The alternately arranged leaves are very thin (i.e. linear)...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Paspalum


    A long-lived tufted grass growing up to 1.5 m tall. Its leaf blades are slightly folded at the base and are usually hairless. Its seed-heads are borne at the tips...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Ryegrass


    Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) is one of the most serious and costly weeds of annual winter cropping systems in southern Australia. Annual ryegrass is highly competitive and can compete with...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Spotted Spurge

    Spotted Spurge

    A small, short-lived, herbaceous plant with creeping to semi-upright stems. Its slender stems are often reddish, contain a milky sap, and are softly hairy. Its paired leaves (3-12 mm long)...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Summergrass


    This annual grassy weed is tufted and mat-forming and can inhabit a wide range of soils, although its natural habitat is sandy soil and loams. Summergrass can grow to 30...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - White Clover

    White Clover

    A perennial legume with most growth in spring, summer and autumn. Suited to a wide range of soils, being relatively tolerant of acidic soils. Useful species on infertile land (provided...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Wintergrass


    Small annual grass to from 2-30 cm tall with flat, smooth, often pale green leaves to 12 cm long and 5 mm wide with a boat-shaped tip. Flower-heads are open...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Wireweed


    Usually presenting as a mostly prostrate clump, Wireweed’s tiny flowers are typically self-fertilised and can produce copious seed for the next generation. The species or species complex was distributed to...

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