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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Parramatta Grass

    Parramatta Grass

    The hairless (i.e. glabrous) flowering stems (i.e. culms) are slender (1.5-3 mm thick), but somewhat wiry, and are usually not branched. The alternately arranged leaves are very thin (i.e. linear)...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Paspalum


    A long-lived tufted grass growing up to 1.5 m tall. Its leaf blades are slightly folded at the base and are usually hairless. Its seed-heads are borne at the tips...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Ryegrass


    Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) is one of the most serious and costly weeds of annual winter cropping systems in southern Australia. Annual ryegrass is highly competitive and can compete with...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Spotted Spurge

    Spotted Spurge

    A small, short-lived, herbaceous plant with creeping to semi-upright stems. Its slender stems are often reddish, contain a milky sap, and are softly hairy. Its paired leaves (3-12 mm long)...

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  • StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Summergrass


    This annual grassy weed is tufted and mat-forming and can inhabit a wide range of soils, although its natural habitat is sandy soil and loams. Summergrass can grow to 30...

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