A small, short-lived (i.e. annual), herbaceous plant that develops a rosette of leaves at first, followed by a number of creeping (i.e. prostrate) stems up to 8 cm long. Shoots...
Buffalo Grass
Botanical name: Stenotaphrum secundatum Common Names Buffalo Grass, Cape Quickgrass, Wiregrass, St. Augustinegrass, Quickgrass, Pimento Grass, Carpet Grass, Coarse Couchgrass, Coarse Quickgrass, Coastal Buffalo Grass, Mission Grass BUFFALO GRASS DESCRIPTION...
Common Names Caltrap, Galtrop, Cheval Trap, Galthrap, Galtrap, Calthrop, Jackrock or Crow's foot CALTROP DESCRIPTION Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris) is a summer-growing weed found widely throughout Western Australia. It is most...
Cats Ear
Herbaceous perennial growing from hard, thickened, overwintering base (caudex); fibrous-rooted, but often with several enlarged roots, appearing tap-rooted. May be confused with common dandelion, Taraxacum officinale.
Couch Grass
Couch Grass was originally introduced as a horticultural lawn and pasture because it is drought tolerant. It is a native of Africa and southern Europe but has now become a...
Clover is a perennial wildflower that is regarded as a weed when it appears in lawns and flower beds.
Creeping Oxalis
An almost hairless plant with long-stalked, trifoliate leaves that often have dark spots. Oxalis is often mistaken for clover.
Crowsfoot Grass
A tufted, short-lived, grass with spreading or semi-upright stems growing up to 60 cm tall.
There are about 2500 species of Dandelion but species delimitations for Australia are unclear. The Flora of Victoria (1994) list two Australian native species (Native Dandelion – T. cygnorum from the far...
Doublegee is a vigorous annual herb with a strong tap root and a long, fleshy, hairless stem.