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StrataGreen - Solution Finder - Weeds - Clover


Botanical name: Trifolium 

Common Names

Four-leaf, Charlock, Trefoil, Sainfoin, Four-Leaved, Deuce-Ace, Red-Clover, Trialogue, Trisul and Terzetto

Clover is a perennial wildflower that is regarded as a weed when it appears in lawns and flower beds.

It can be difficult to remove completely from lawns, as it can survive repeated mowing and some species are resistant to weedkiller.

Although it is generally considered a weed in gardens, clover flowers are a very good nectar source for bees. In gardens with enough space, it is worth allowing clover to grow in an unused corner to benefit garden wildlife.


Creeping Oxalis


  • In garden beds: spot spray Apparent Ravage.
  • In couch & kikuyu lawns: use any of the product recommended below.
  • In buffalo grass: Apparent Bromoxynil + MCPA.

Reference: https://www.lovethegarden.com/au-en/garden-problem/clover

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