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  • Weed control weeds

    Mastering Weed Control: Essential Tips for a Weed-Free Garden

    By Lara Potter

      Mastering Weed Control: Essential Tips for a Weed-Free Garden Weeds. The eternal nemesis of every gardener. From broadleaf weeds to grassy weeds to many other weeds, they seem to...

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  • Guide to Plant Propagation for Beginners - StrataGreen Blog

    A Guide to Plant Propagation for Beginners

    By Lara Potter

    Plant propagation is a fascinating process that every gardening enthusiast should explore. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting out, understanding how to propagate your own plants can...

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  • A Treemendous Idea For All Your Garden Plants

    A Treemendous Idea For All Your Garden Plants

    By Colin Barlow

    Treerings Throughout Western Australia the need to improve our soils, feed our plants, mulch to conserve moisture and reduce surface run-off is an ongoing concern. Regularly, this requires bags of...

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  • Bye-bye, birdie!

    Bye-bye, birdie!

    By Lara Potter

    Bird netting or anti bird netting is a great way to protect your fruits and vegetables from birds. Bird netting is an economical and easy way to protect your fruits...

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  • Join the (tee-rrific) club

    Join the (tee-rrific) club

    By Lara Potter

      TerraCottem® Brand Ambassador, Nathan Straume, got the privilege to interview Dylan Keam, Bundaberg Golf Club's Superintendent. Dylan has done a fantastic job over these past years. Dylan has turned...

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  • PolyCote Plus: More Than Just Fertilisers

    PolyCote Plus: More Than Just Fertilisers

    By Lara Potter

    Polymer-coated controlled-release fertilisers, such as our PolyCote Plus range, can maintain excellent product quality during a long storage period. We base the polymer-coated controlled-release fertiliser's mechanism on the polymer coating's...

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  • Welcome to Hobart Airport – The gateway to Tasmania

    Welcome to Hobart Airport – The gateway to Tasmania

    By Friederike Buettner

    After two long years, the borders are finally open; many people flock overseas. But first and foremost, Australians choose to travel interstate to see family and friends. Despite being off...

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  • Treerings feature

    Treerings: A family-owned business

    By Friederike Buettner

    Treerings are a game-changer in the fertilising industry. Treerings started humbly in Garry’s backyard in the Perth Hills. Garry wondered if there was an easier way to ensure plants receive...

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  • Biodegradable tree guards for a healthier environment

    Biodegradable tree guards for a healthier environment

    By Friederike Buettner

    A new range of biodegradable tree guards is now available at StrataGreen. Meet the NaturGuard BIO, a sustainable option that offers excellent protection for plants and saplings for the first...

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  • Town of Googong

    Superior turf growth at new AFL oval in Googong

    By Friederike Buettner

    Have you ever heard of a town called Googong? Googong is a residential development about ten minutes south of Queanbeyan in New South Wales, close to the Canberra airport. Rest...

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  • Straightcurve Galvanised Steel Edging

    5 Brilliant Garden Edging ideas

    By Friederike Buettner

    Whether you want to create a neat garden border, improve your overall garden design or wish to make your pool stand out with a classic look and unique edge, garden...

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  • TerraCottem create Urban Rooftops

    How to create an Urban Rooftop Jungle

    By Friederike Buettner

    West Village Transformation Rapid urbanisation brings up challenges in making cities greener, cleaner and livable. Brisbane's West Village is an excellent example of how (re)-developing and maintaining sustainable green living...

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