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How to lay turf on sand

How to lay turf on sand

It’s time to roll out the green carpet and enjoy healthier, more vigorous turf! Follow our simple steps and grow a lush lawn on sand (!) in no time! Repeat: On the sand, no soil is required. Now is an excellent time to lay out new turf. Read our tips below to find out how to lay turf on 75 square metres of sand.

Step 1:

Level the sand to the approximate desired height. Use a lawn leveller (at least 90cm wide).

Level the sand evenly as desired.

Step 2: Designed for tough conditions

TerraCottem Turf soil conditioner will kickstart turf growth and provide all the essential nutrients required to boost turf growth on the sand. TerraCottem Turf is designed to work in tough conditions, so this is where TerraCottem works best. 10-15kg of TerraCottem Turf are required for 75m2 depending on the depth of incorporation. The maths are: 75m2 x 0.16= 12 (kg). TerraCottem makes it possible to lay turf on the sand.

TerraCottem Turf soil conditioner

Step 3:

Evenly spread TerraCottem Turf soil conditioner across the area you want to lay the turf. A watering can with the rose removed is ideal. Do not use a fertiliser spreader to apply TerraCottem. If you like, you can add a manure-based fertiliser, but it is not necessary.

Evenly spread TerreCottem soil conditioner.

Step 4:

Incorporate the amendments with a rotary hoe thoroughly. As most rotary hoes won’t go the full 200mm depth that is recommended, pass multiple times to ensure the best outcome. Kennards Hire offers rotary hoes, for example.
Note – initial installation of irrigation at least 300mm deep will ensure no damage is done.

Incorporate the amendmentsTerraCottem Turf soil conditioner

Step 5:

Level and compact the TerraCottem improved soil lightly. Getting the levels correct at this point is crucial to have a perfect finish and a flat lawn.

Level and compact the improved soil lightly

Step 6:

Lay lawn in a bond pattern to avoid apparent lines as the turf is established. Cut turf with a serrated knife where required. Light compaction of the turf will assist with the roots contacting the soil and help the bedding in of the turf.

Lay the turf in a bond pattern

Water the new turf generously, as this will activate the polymers in the TerraCottem soil conditioner to boost your turf’s growth. Finished! Time to sit back, have a barbecue and relax. Ensure you water your new turf every day for the next 4-6 weeks and reduce watering as per your allocated watering days. Don’t forget to apply for a watering exemption from your local Council. TerraCottem soil conditioner can store water and fertiliser efficiently.


Now, look at that 250mm long roots just four weeks after laying the turf!

Materials we recommend:

• Lawn leveller (min. 90cm wide) • Watering Can • Rotary Hoe •Compactor • Turf • Serrated Knife • TerraCottem Turf soil conditioner.

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