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Save time and money when planting

Save time and money when planting

At StrataGreen, we are proud to work together with renowned high-quality brands. We do this to ensure our customers complete their projects successfully. “We are always happy to hear back from our customers”, says Founder Selby Sharpe. “There’s nothing better than our connection. We enjoy supporting important landscaping and environmental projects.”

StrataGreen has a large range of products. Importantly, StrataGreen is genuinely proud of their soil conditioner, TerraCottem. It is a soil conditioner of more than 20 components from six different groups, all assisting plant growth processes in a synergetic way.

TerraCottem is internationally recognised.

The feedback we receive from landscapers and councils is positive. TerraCottem was developed after extensive scientific research in 1983. The goal was to improve the capability of dry soils to retain and provide water and nutrients. The TerraCottem mixture significantly improves water retention. Plus, it also promotes biomass production and plant growth. Especially dry regions benefit from this soil conditioner because landscapers and councils save water and maintenance costs. In addition, the plantings are sustainable and last for years. Trees treated with TerraCottem show longer survival rates and do not have to be replaced as often. “Our customers save money by not having to replace plants with new plants as often, and therefore they save labour costs”, StrataGreen Manager Tim Sharpe adds. A win-win: For the environment and landscapers.

Simply add TerraCottem to the soil when planting. The plants survival rate will increase, more roots will grow, and you save water.

Get in touch with our friendly team.

If you have any questions about our scientifically proven soil conditioner TerraCottem, please get in touch with our StratGreen Team, who have more than 70+ years of combined industry experience. StrataGreen further offers an extensive inventory of tools, equipment and supplies for landscapers, councils and horticulturalists. StrataGreen is the one-stop-shop for many customers across Australia who enjoy the convenience of shopping online.

Did you know? If your order of TerraCottem is less than 100kg, freight is free Australia wide.

Find our range of TerraCottem products here.

See how TerraCottem works at root level.

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