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The recovery is going great

No rain to speak of and a stretched watering regime, yet these trees are thriving. Photographed here in October 2018, this is what they looked like (below) shortly after they went in in September 2016.
Remember Cyclone Marcia? February 20th 2015? If you live in Yeppon on the coast between Brisbane and Cairns you’d never forget it. It was a severe category 5 cyclone, and it hit the area at peak force. Electricity was taken out, roofs blown off, walls torn down, beach fronts washed away, and trees pulled from the ground and dropped. A lot of effort and community spirit went into the recovery – it had to – and amongst it all, hundreds and hundreds of trees were planted to stabilise the land and provide future shade.

In fact, the team from Livingston Shire started replanting almost immediately, putting in 45 litre tree stock all over, replacing what the cyclone ripped out. Fast forward to now and if you take a look at how those trees are doing, it’s impressive. Especially since the resources for establishment irrigation have been limited. Luckily, because the trees went in with TerraCottem, they’ve been able to make the most of their spaced out watering regimen and avoided stress. Looking at these shots it’s obvious they’ve been thriving, even without rain thanks to the drought.

More before and after shots: same timings and conditions.

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