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  • terracottem arbor soil conditioner. soil conditioners. soil health.

    Find a Soil Conditioner Supplier

    By Friederike Buettner

    TerraCottem soil conditioner is a premium product As a landscaper, you need to create gardens and landscapes that not only impress people when completed. The landscapes must also stand the...

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  • Prevent Erosion with Coir Matting

    Prevent Erosion with Coir Matting

    By Friederike Buettner

    For Erosion control supplies check out our extensive range Did you know that erosion can be prevented with coir matting? Heavy rains can create runoff that causes erosion over time....

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  • One Stop Fertiliser Supplier

    One Stop Fertiliser Supplier

    By Friederike Buettner

    It's essential to have a One-stop fertiliser supplier you can trust. As years of drought continue, it becomes harder to grow grass for your new housing developments. Meanwhile, dry, barren...

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  • Avenues of Honour: Local historians called to duty

    By Friederike Buettner

    There may be no ANZAC Day gatherings at our cenotaphs and parks this year, but personal moments of remembrance can always be marked under the shade of our living war...

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  • Now thats Innovative

    By Friederike Buettner

    An innovate use of our 560mm Flexline Weathering Steel EdgeSubtropical landscapes recently used the Straightcurve 560mm Flexline edge to create a garden bed inside a circular stone wall. Randolf is...

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  • High Quality Secateurs Available Through StrataGreen

    By Friederike Buettner

    You haven't invested in your tools since you started working a few years back. Now, most of your blades are dull, hinges and springs are worn out, and critical pieces...

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  • Perfectly Shaped Hedges Using High Quality Loppers

    By Friederike Buettner

    Last night your neighbour came over frustrated that their garden project is not producing the look they hoped. They want shaped hedges but are struggling with their secateurs on thicker...

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  • We Stock Bamboo Garden Canes for All Landscaping Purposes

    By Friederike Buettner

    Bamboo Canes at StrataGreen When you're tasked with revamping somebody's outdoor space, you need to pull out all the stops to ensure the customer is pleased with the result. As...

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  • Why and When You Should Buy Plastic Tree Guards

    By Friederike Buettner

    Plastic tree guards In Australia, we like to make the most of the outdoors to enjoy the sunny weather, especially during the spring and summer months. We endeavour to make...

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  • Out on Boodja

    By Friederike Buettner

    Working with Students on Boodja: Natural Management Project – Mokidup Revitalization Hampton Senior High School and St Mary MacKillop College were involved in the restabilising of the dune system and...

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  • Two Tips from Western Downs

    By Friederike Buettner

    When Matthew Robertson arrived in Dalby a few years back, he brought expertise and a few tricks with him: one of them was how to make a new planting almost...

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  • Measuring the benefits

    By Friederike Buettner

    Apical buds compared as part of a trial, with TerraCottem-treated trees on the right and untreated on the left. An hour’s drive north of Auckland at Weiti Bay, a housing...

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