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How to manage nematodes successfully

How to manage nematodes successfully

Plant-parasitic nematodes represent a substantial hidden cost to Australian producers and turf managers. Estimates show that parasitic nematodes impact up to 19 million hectares of cultivated land and amenity turf negatively in Australia. Crop yield losses were estimated back in 1992 to be upwards of $300 million per year (Stirling et al. 1992), which would be significantly higher using today's numbers. Find out how to manage nematodes successfully.

What are parasitic nematodes?

Plant-parasitic nematodes infest and damage plant roots which reduces crop yields. They downgrade the quality of turf playing surfaces. However, many producers and turf professionals are reluctant to treat the problem due to the difficulties associated with handling and applying toxic nematicides and soil fumigants. At last, there is a safe and effective treatment using the power of one of nature’s most potent nematocidal compounds called polysulphides. Read on how to manage nematodes successfully.

Safe and effective

The UK based company Ecospray funded research and development for Eco-nemguard™. Their research focused on why some garlic extracts have pesticide effects, and others have little to no impact. They discovered that garlic extracts with high bio-efficacy also had very high levels of polysulphide compounds. Armed with this new knowledge, Ecospray went about optimising their garlic extract formulation. The final product has the highest possible levels of polysulphides extracted from naturally sourced garlic. The final Eco-nemguard™ product has a guaranteed level of 26 g/L of polysulphides.

Safe for your veggie crops

Eco-nemguard™ is registered to manage nematodes in all vegetable crops and turf situations. Because polysulphides are naturally occurring, they break down readily in the soil, leaving little to no residual effect. This is an essential and positive attribute of the product. Eco-nemguard™ rapidly knocks down plant-parasitic nematode populations while minimising any long-term impact on soil biodiversity and fertility. Ideally, this is the aim of modern pest management, which reduces the adverse side effects on the soil ecosystem and, as a result, reduces other input costs in the long term. No residual effects also mean that users can be confident that any potential spills or treated soil running off into sensitive environmental areas will not cause long-term catastrophic impacts.

Soft on plant roots

Eco-nemguard™ is soft on plant roots with little to no burning effects on sensitive root hairs and root tips. This highly flexible application feature, along with no withholding periods and extended re-entry restrictions, makes eco-nemguard™ a valuable tool in managing nematodes throughout the crop cycle. Importantly, combining eco-nemguard™ with pre-plant nematicides is also an effective management strategy in heavily nematode infested soils or where cropping cycles are very long.

Where to buy

Eco-nemguard™ is available in 10L containers as a concentrated liquid and 20 kg bags as a free-flowing granular product (eco-nemguard™ G), making it easy to apply eco-nemguard™ anytime and anywhere plant-parasitic nematodes are a problem in vegetables and turf. Shop at StrataGreen today or get in touch with our friendly team on 1300 866 367 or email us info@stratagreen.com.au. StrataGreen is your one-stop-shop for the landscaping, horticultural, environmental and construction industries. Shop Online 24/7 or give us a call between 7 is-5 pm. We look forward to serving


Stirling, G.R., Stanton, J.M. and Marshall, J.W. (1992) The importance of plant-parasitic nematodes to Australian and New Zealand agriculture Australasian Plant Pathology 21: 104-115
Organic Crop Protectants

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