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TerraCottem featured on TV Show

TerraCottem featured on TV Show

Anyone enthusiastic about gardening in WA loves the popular gardening show "Home in WA." We are pretty proud that our internationally recognized soil conditioner TerraCottem aired on this show. TerraCottem was featured on a TV show on Saturday, May 22nd at 5:30 pm, just before the six o'clock news on channel 7GWN.

This time of year is the perfect season to plant in your garden at home. So, Colin will show you our all-in-one product, TerraCottem. It improves growth in trees, shrubs, general plants, and lawns. Plus, it's ideal for the dry and sandy soils of WA. Watch TerraCottem on TV!

Watch TerraCottem on video now!

Popular show "Home in WA" talks about TerraCottem

A one-time application of TerraCottem will spoil your soil. With more than 20 different components, TerraCottem aids in the distribution through the soil or potting mix. Ingredients include water-absorbing polymers, growth precursors, quick and controlled release fertilisers, and specialized carrier substances

Show presenter Colin Barlow explains how TerraCottem enhances plant growth

Colin is with Perth landscaper Ben Sims who is planting two new plants, Nandina' Obsession' and Hydrangea' Magical Rubyred', in a partially shaded spot in the garden. Ben is using Terracottem to improve and condition the soil at planting time. This results in healthier plants needing less maintenance with more robust and deeper roots, increased survival rates, and resistance to drought and diseases. Plus, there is less leaching of nutrients with water savings of up to 50%.

Ben Sims is planting Nandina "Obsession" and Hydrangea "Magical Rubyred" with TerraCottem

Ben Sims is planting Nandina "Obsession" and Hydrangea "Magical Rubyred" with TerraCottem.

All your garden needs

This safe and straightforward solution is ideal for use in all garden projects, including veggie and flower beds. TerraCottem is famous throughout the commercial sector for tree and shrub planting. Further, it is favoured for revegetation and the growing of large-scale horticultural and agriculture crops. Colin asked Ben why he used TerraCottem on his planting projects. Ben explained that he had been using TerraCottem for over nine years. Why? Because he can rely on it to provide the ideal foundation for growing his plants in one handy formulation. Terracottem is also famous for use in poor soils and challenging climates all around the world. Terracottem is a one-time investment that lasts up to 8 years. It cuts costs and saves water and nutrients in the long run.

Finally, to give your plants and garden the best start in life, why not give TerraCottem a try? It's so easy to apply. TerraCottem is available here at Stratagreen. We distribute the product throughout Australia, and you can find out more about TerraCottem here.

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