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TerraCottem featured on the podcast

TerraCottem featured on the podcast

The team from the Plants Grow Here Podcast interviewed StrataGreen's horticulturalist Nathan Straume to talk about TerraCottem. Reaching thousands of garden enthusiasts and professionals across Australia, listeners discovered that TerraCottem's best-kept secret is its growth precursors. They have an enormous impact on plant growth.

Click on our podcast audio link to connect with Nathan to enter a hidden world of horticultural knowledge. Nathan talks about the difference TerraCottem soil conditioner makes to support plant growth in this latest episode. Some key points he makes are included in this blog for you if you prefer to read. Otherwise, click the link below 👇

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Nathan Straume, horticulturalist and soil expert, explains TerraCottem.

Grow healthier plants that last

Water Crystals/Polymers are common and frequently used by hobby gardeners, landscapers and professionals to improve plant growth and retain water. But why do we need Water Crystals/Polymers? TerraCottem Polymers hold and release nutrients over an extended period to provide the plant with the minerals it needs. However, the question should be: How efficient are the polymers in my soil? "There are many polymers out there on the market. But the key is that plants can access it", says Nathan Straume StrataGreen's horticulturalist and soil expert.

20 kgs of TerraCottem used in a private garden in Marrakech

How Plants access water

As soils and TerraCottem charge up when it rains or gets irrigated, plants will first use the water in the ground. Further, as the plant used the soil water, the plants tap into the polymers, TerraCottem. These can be added around the roots. "There are many polymers out on the market that can hold water; however, often, plant roots cannot access it. That's the difference between TerraCottem polymers and other polymers used on the market. TerraCottem polymers release the water back to the plants via the roots growing through them", says Nathan Straume, horticulturalist and soil expert at StrataGreen. "TerraCottem soil conditioner ensures water retention for optimal plant growth. 95% water will be readily available to the plant."

How plants access water

Did you know: You could EAT TerraCottem? That's how non-toxic it is

TerraCottem is certified as non-toxic, and it is of food quality. It's true, TerraCottem is Eco-Friendly, and you could eat the product! That's another critical difference between TerraCottem polymers and other polymers on the market. "The research we have done is that we continue to improve the product and only include the best polymers that are available in the world. If the polymers do not meet a certain Water Holding Capacity versus release back to the plant, then they won't make it into the product", says Nathan.

Polymers included in TerraCottem are unique: They hold and release nutrients over an extended period.

Give nature a hand with TerraCottem

TerraCottem consists of water crystals/polymers /hydrogels, root stimulant powder, carrier components (such as lava or zeolite), quick release and slow-release N:P: K. We have different products to cover the main areas of use. All components of our products work in synergy to bring life to soils so plants can establish quicker. The TerraCottem consists of water crystals/polymers /hydrogels, root stimulant powder, carrier components (such as lava or zeolite), immediate release and slow-release N:P: K. We have different products to cover the main areas of use. All components of our products work in synergy to bring life to soils so plants can establish quicker and have all the necessary ingredients to become sustainable. TerraCottem offers a holistic approach to plant growth. This effective mixture of more than 20 components significantly improves soil quality, water and nutrient retention for better plant growth. TerraCottem ensures that trees, lawns, shrubs, and plants grow healthier and stronger all year.

We have the right TerraCottem for your Job

TerraCottem Universal is the "original" TerraCottem soil conditioner. Since its launch in 1993, the product has constantly evolved with better-performing polymers, fertiliser and carrier material.

TerraCottem Turf is also based on the TerraCottem principle but contains zeolite, a 100 per cent natural volcanic material that helps increase soil fertility and water retention. Achieve quicker grass establishment and improve the quality of the turf.

TerraCottem Arbor is designed for tree and shrub planting. Central to this latest formulation are the new polymers, including humic acids, to further enhance water retention capacity, soil structure and microbiological activity.

If you have missed our podcast link at the top, Click here to listen to the Podcast.

TerraCottem - supported plant growth globally since 1993

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