The Mira – Cell Cellular confinement system is one of the most advanced technologies available for solving challenging soil stability problems. It consists of an engineered, high strength network of interconnected cells that confines and stabilises soils. The Mira-Cell system provides an innovative solution to soil stability problems in slope and channel protection, load support and earth retention applications. After the Mira-Cell Cellular System is installed specific infill materials are used to backfill the cells and create a strong, permanent protection and stabilisation system. The Mira-Cell Cellular System can be used for slope protection, channel protection, earth retention and load support.
A variety of infill materials can be used based upon details of the specific project/problem;
Top soil with various vegetation.
Aggregates from sand and gravel to larger rock or stone.
Concrete of various strengths and surface finishes.
On-site available fill.
A combination of the above to meet project special conditions.