Lara Potter

Marketing Manager

Lara believes in the power of telling a story and uses that in her approach to Marketing. Coming from a branding and visual communication background, one of her goals is to further work on the StrataGreen brand, fine-tuning all marketing language to carry honesty, values and the heart of the business.

Who is someone you admire, and why?

Can I have two, please? My parents. They're such great leaders and role models to me.

Tell us three pet peeves!

Dishonesty, fast fashion, and the word 'vacay' :p

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

Fashion designer! Which later on I realised that I only had interest in designing them, but not sewing, which was a problem!

One thing you would want to do more if you could?

Traveling the world - it makes me happy, and at the same time it's humbling to know that you're one little piece of a very big world, yet you still can make history.

What’s the best thing about working at StrataGreen?

The support that I receive every day. No one is too busy to help each other, and that's brilliant.