Seymour & Teresa Green at Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival

22 May 2024

Hey there, green thumbs and landscape legends! A couple weeks ago, we had the privilege to attend LIAWA's site at the Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival 2024 at Langley Park—talk about a green dream come true! [...]

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Seymour & Teresa Green at Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival

StrataGreen Seymour Teresa Green at Perth Garden and Outdoor Living Festival Collaboration with LIAWA

Hey there, green thumbs and landscape legends! A couple weeks ago, we had the privilege to attend LIAWA's site at the Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival 2024 at Langley Park—talk about a green dream come true! [...]

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Mastering Weed Control: Essential Tips for a Weed-Free Garden

Weed control weeds

Mastering Weed Control: Essential Tips for a Weed-Free Garden Weeds. The eternal nemesis of every gardener. From broadleaf weeds to grassy weeds to many other weeds, they seem to spring up overnight, infiltrating our carefully cultivated lawn and gardens and stealing vital nutrients from our prized and established plants. But fear not! With the right [...]

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A Guide to Plant Propagation for Beginners

Guide to Plant Propagation for Beginners - StrataGreen Blog

A GUIDE TO PLANT PROPAGATION FOR BEGINNERS Plant propagation is a fascinating process that every gardening enthusiast should explore. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting out, understanding how to propagate your own plants can help you expand your garden and save money on buying new plants. In this ultimate guide to plant [...]

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Tree Planting

StrataGreen Tree Planting

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." Nelson Henderson Trees are a vital part of our planet's ecosystem, providing clean air, shade, and many other benefits. They also play an essential role in combating climate change by absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, with deforestation [...]

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StrataGreen Woven Planter Bags: cost-effective, easy-to-use and durable

StrataGreen Woven Planter Bags

We visited our friends at Arborwest Tree Farm just last week, who were excited to use our woven planter bags. The StrataGreen team (Gavin & Lara) arrived around 10 am. The Arborwest team (Liam, Lee and Ryan) were ready to upgrade some magnolia tree planter bags. Now let us tell you more about StrataGreen woven planter bags! THESE PLANTER [...]

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A Treemendous Idea For All Your Garden Plants

Treerings Throughout Western Australia the need to improve our soils, feed our plants, mulch to conserve moisture and reduce surface run-off is an ongoing concern. Regularly this requires bags of products from your local nursery, garden centreor hardware store along with some exercise and a good workout. A RELATIVE of mine had a favourite saying: [...]

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Join the (tee-rrific) club

TerraCottem® Brand Ambassador, Nathan Straume, got the privilege to interview Dylan Keam, Bundaberg Golf Club's Superintendent. Dylan has done a fantastic job over these past years. Dylan has turned this golf course from a dry turf into an outstanding competition course with a limited budget, limited staff and inflation. Here is the interview. Nathan: Dylan, [...]

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PolyCote Plus: More Than Just Fertilisers

Polymer-coated controlled-release fertilisers, such as our PolyCote Plus range, can maintain excellent product quality during a long storage period. We base the polymer-coated controlled-release fertiliser's mechanism on the polymer coating's hydrolysis. Liquid (water) diffuses into the fertiliser granules, causing the layer to swell, crack and eventually disintegrate. Polymers are macromolecules synthesised by linking two or [...]

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